Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Molly Interview

Kate from Chronicles of a Country Girl has just interviewed me!

1. It's obvious from your blog that you enjoy photography and one of your posts mentioned your lens envy. What is this mysterious lens that you envy so?

That lens is one I used at the photography workshop in Chicago I attended in November. It was a Canon 24-70mm wide angle lens that Me Ra Koh of Me Ra Koh Photography said she could shoot a whole wedding with (her husband would be using other lenses I'm sure) but she said this was the most I envied it very much as all I had was a kit lens that came with my Rebel XTi and a 55-200mm lens that wouldn't open very wide. And I know you know that a wide aperture makes for great bokeh.

But here's the secret: In December I got a two refunds from the city and county, a benefits check I hadn't expected from an insurance company, and a dividend check and together they covered the lens cost. So no more coveting. I have it!

2. Why are you afraid of your basement? If you can't answer, I'll understand. Basements can be scary places.

Ha! In my short history with this house, my basement has been a source of furry undesirables, floods and, most recently and possibly most troubling to me because of the dogs, a snake. But I called critter pest control and they have evicted the furry undesirables and sealed the whole house including the basement, had contractors in to construct a water solution (really, every time it rained there was an epic flood complete with waterfalls), and I bravely dispatched the snake. Myself.

The fear is not what's past, it's not knowing what the basement has in store for me next.

3. What is your favorite magazine to peruse?

Ooh. This is a little hard because I love magazines. I would say Mary Englebreit's Home Companion, or Cottage Living (which I just learned has been cancelled to my everlasting dismay) or Domino. At least today. Next week I might be back in my news phase, in which case it would be a whole different crop.

4. What sort of music have you got loaded on that 80 gig iPod?

Lots of country (Tift Merrit, Allison Moorer, Shelby Lynne, Pat Green), classic rock (Fleetwood Mac, The Eagles, Jackson Browne, CCR), Jimmy Buffet, Corinne Bailey Ray, Norah Jones, Gomez, various Christmas tunes, and something most people don't know: Baguette Quartet. I found them on the Curious Sofa web site and scoured it until I figured out who they were. It's fun French cafe music. And an audio book version of the bible - I got it when I was taking a pretty intensive discipleship class. It was the only way to get the reading done. And now, in our current economy or heavy traffic, it's calming to listen to the Psalms.

5. Aside from your family and loved ones, what is your most precious possession?

Do the dogs count as loved ones? Good, then I...hmmm. Well, there are the earrings I bought with money I inherited from my dad. One is for my dad and one is for my grandad, his father. I would have said that until recently. And maybe they are still it. But I love my camera because it is a creative outlet. I use it to create, however imperfectly, so it's not static. The earrings are a legacy, but they are static.

Thanks, Kate, this was really fun!

Would you like to be interviewed by me? If so, here's how:

1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by emailing you five questions. (I get to pick the questions).
3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.


  1. Interview Me

    You know you want to and yes, I will follow the rules!

    Love you and thanks for this great peek into what is Molly. You did a great job.


  2. Ok, I think I might have LENS ENVY now. I want to be interviewed! I've always wanted to be on Good Morning America, Oprah, Babs Walters, The View ... actually I want a hosting position on The View. Wait, it's not being interviewed if your subject just talks, huh? (SSG snaps her mouth shut.)

  3. OMG. I LOVED your answers!! I am so glad I asked the right questions and am amazed about the snake. I'm also excited for you because of the lens. And yes, your pet is a loved one! It's been so fun getting to know you!!

  4. Awesome interview - I really enjoyed it!

  5. The basement at my best friend's house is scary. It's ok going down the stairs, but one can only bolt for their lives back up them.

  6. You know, I never thought I would write this but if you have time, I would enjoy being interviewed. Seems wrong to ask but that's what the rules say.


    Loved your answers. I didn't know that you bought the lens. Tell me again, what's the f-stop on that baby?


  7. Thanks Traci, I'll be in touch.

    dlyn and la feroce bete, welcome and thanks for coming by.

    I think an interview I did with SometimeSerendipitousGirl will be up on her blog keep checking back for links.

  8. I dare ask someone who I have known for over 35 years to interview me?



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