Saturday, November 8, 2008

The Drumbeat

News reports yesterday continued the drumbeat of bad news: 600,000 jobs lost in the last 90 days, GM will be out of cash at some point in 2009, Ford can make it through 2009 with it's cash, value continues to disappear from the stock market as they fall for 2 straight days..

One tries to keep it in perspective by limiting the volume of [bad] news you listen to.

We've had layoffs at work, and now one in my blogger friendship.

For whatever reason, yesterday it all got to me. Not sure if it was the market reports I was forced to read to prepare another report, or if it was reading the bloggy friend's post.

I didn't read it until I got home, because as I've said it's been arrive at work and turn on the whirlwind this week.

So, if you are coming by here, please go to her post and say hi. Just a little encouragement might help: Country Girl on the Chesapeake Bay

And for anyone else you know who's in the same boat, just offer a little encouragement. They will at least know they're not invisible or forgotten.

As for me - I think a news hiatus, and looking ahead to my photography seminar next week. Which is shaping up to be it's own story.

1 comment:

  1. I know, it gets so overwhelming sometimes. Thinking about all of you guys this weekend and just knowing that we'll all come out of this stronger. But MAN, it sucks in the meantime.



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