Monday, February 2, 2009

Candlemas Day

From the family who brought you the Pilgrims and the giant snow man face...

Here's hoping you don't see your shadow.

As the light grows longer

The cold grows stronger

If Candlemas be fair and bright

Winter will have another flight

If Candlemas be cloud and snow

Winter will be gone and not come again

A farmer should on Candlemas day

Have half his corn and half his hay

On Candlemas day if thorns hang a drop

You can be sure of a good pea crop


  1. LOL, that is too cute! They have way too much time on their hands...but really cute.

    You know what I am hoping for.

  2. I agree with Marlene, WAY TOO MUCH time on their hands!

  3. Seriously, do some people get more than 24 hours? Some people really must get more than 24 hours......pondering......

  4. You are kidding me. You ARE kidding right? You Photoshopped this or something...too much.

  5. No Photoshop. It would never have occurred to me. I'm going to have to check back in a few days to see if they put up anything for Valentine's Day...



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