Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Good hair day

Does anyone know why a 3 year old would lie down on a concrete porch when someone wants to take her picture?

Do yourselves a favor and double click on the photo and see how sparkly her blue eyes are.

I emphasized them a bit with my favorite toy, photoshop elements. And I may have complemented them by encouraging the blue paint on the porch. And perhaps have even given the butterfly hair bow a boost. You see, Olivia gets 2 M&Ms every night that she makes it through the whole day without pulling down her hair. So we must notice and complement the hair. Which is why I juiced up the pink butterfly barrett. Just a touch.

Olivia, your hair looks very nice. I hope you got your M&Ms.


  1. Olivia's such a pretty little girl. She actually looks a lot like
    Lindsey in that photo.

  2. Yes, but why lie down on a concrete porch? It boggles the mind. I'm supposed to be at work, but I'm having a hard time getting in gear.

  3. Oh my goodness....I love the M&M bribe! I was like Olivia and could not keep my hair together as a little kid- maybe the candy thing would have worked. And you're right- her eyes are so sparkly blue! just beautiful!



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