Sunday, September 6, 2009

Project Entry

I'm working on a project that involves writing abbreviated encyclopedia entries about myself. At first, it was a daunting prospect, but now that I've gotten started, it's become fun. And, things are surfacing that I haven't thought about in years.

Popsicle, banana

My best friend in grade school* was Paige Lee Tompkins. She moved away at some point in grade school when her dad changed coaching jobs, but came back a few years later. When she came back, her mom helped her re-entry by buying me a birthday present and the two of them coming to visit. Later on, I recall visiting her and playing in the pool of their apartments (where they lived while having a house built). When we got out of the pool to go inside for Popsicles, we were running on the concrete walkway and my feet slipped out from under me and I landed on the back of my head. Never one to really want to draw attention to myself, when Paige ran off to get her mom, I got up and claimed I was fine when they returned. The funny thing is, I can almost hear the crack of my head on the concrete in my memory, but I don’t recall any pain. And we did get Popsicles – I think mine was banana.

*who was my age


  1. So....that's where they get it from! ;)

  2. It certainly could help explain why the back of my head is flat.

  3. What a sweet memory....I just love this experiment. If you don't mind, I may have to join you. I think it would be a wonderful mental stretching exercise for me.

    Popsicles when one is young, are almost magical.

  4. I've always heard there was great medicinal value in a sweet, drippy, messy banana popcicle. Glad you didn't crack your head open.

    This encyclopedia project sounds like an interesting exercise.

  5. Ouch! That must've hurt. I hope the popsicle made things better.



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