Thursday, October 7, 2010

Shot in the Dark


I had no notions for today's photo prompt that I didn't think were original.  So I came home, walked the dogs and pondered.

And noticed that it was good and dark outside.

Did I mention that a nearby school was put on lockdown today because an armored car chase ended and one of the suspects fled on foot, was spotted on school grounds but hasn't been found that I know of.


So, I took my camera and my dogs and repaired to the [dark] backyard.  I thought I'd shoot across the deck with the back porch light on, jack up the ISO and catch some of the leaves that lay in drifts on the deck. 

It wasn't working for me.

So I stood up and walked to the other side to call the dogs from the deep, dark, dark at the bottom of the yard and noticed the light from my bedroom falling on the bench.


And remembered the as yet un-captured armored car suspect and made my dogs come in with me.

The End.

1 comment:

  1. Good golly, MIss Molly, that was a suspenseful story. I was a little afraid to scroll down for fear there would be a picture of Mr. Gus sitting on the no-longer un-caught suspect. That would be a good thing, of course, having a bandit catching dog, but still scary that it all happened in your back yard!

    I've watched way to much Law & Order.

    Cool photo. Love how you always find what you're looking for!



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