The girls stayed with Grandma, and they must have all been bored judging from the number of "how much longer?" phone calls we received. I tell you, it was hard to enjoy the heat and humidity and manual labor with all those interruptions.
After the heat and humidity with a side of manual labor, we gathered at my house for dinner to celebrate Grandma's birthday. I put out aged gouda cheese and olives to keep the hungry hordes out of my kitchen (abject failure). We had ribs, wicked rib sauce (I need to visit my Troy family and make ribs with wicked rib sauce for them), black bean salad and macaroni and cheese. We also had strawberry birthday cake with strawberry icing. From Piece of Cake [I vow never to bake my own cake again because I will never beat this place]. During the festivities I took lovely pictures of willing subjects.
But above, well, above is a different story. Above is a subject with her own avoidance issues. Or perhaps she is admiring the artfully rust embellished cast iron planter. Or bowing to the design of combining a soft, airy fern with cast iron. Or dodging a mosquito. Weeping with hunger? Or HIDING.
Silly girl. You can't avoid the camera.
I'm sorry but when that photo first came on the screen I thought she was throwing up in the flower pot! Come to Troy and make us wicked ribs anytime. Hows Friday?!?